Bible Reading of the Day

By using this API, you will be able to automatically display a particular day’s reading that is already preformatted for your site. This API utilizes a simple JavaScript include that can be placed on any web site.

Simple API Configuration Center

API Configuration Center

Daily Readings

Your code will appear here once you enter in your information.

API Overview

The Bible reading of the day API is simple to implement. The API consists of a root URL and variables that will allow you to customize page colors.

Root Javascript Code
To create a link to the Bible reading of the day, please use this code and then build upon it.

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

Customizing the Bible reading of the day include

Date Color
Formatting the color of the date text is as simple as including the color as a hexadecimal using the format datecolor=000000. Please be sure to use hex code for colors leaving off the # symbol.

Passage Color
Formatting the color of the passage text is as simple as including the color as a hexadecimal using the format passagecolor=000000. Please be sure to use hex code for colors leaving off the # symbol.